New Orleans Workers’ Center for Racial Justice has received five grants since 2016 from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) totaling $255,000, including its most recent grant of $55,000 for the 2020-2021 grants cycle.
The Lepanto Institute profiled the New Orleans Center for Racial Justice (NOWCRJ) during the summer of violence in 2020. What we found was NOWCRJ actively advocating “death to the racist pigs,” justifying rebellion and calling for revolution, and the defunding of the New Orleans police department.
On May 30, NOWCRJ posted a video on twitter of a protest they were participating in, chanting “Death to the racist pigs,” about police. It should be noted that the logo for NOWCRJ is the clenched fist, which is a hallmark of Marxist revolution.
On May 29, NOWCRJ posted a tweet voicing “solidarity” with the violent protests in Minneapolis, stating, “Revolution is our only option at this point” and “To Rebel is Justified.”NOWCRJ also called on the police to be defunded by retweeting this image on June 9:
More recently, we have discovered NOWCRJ directly promoting homosexual and transgender ideologies and the fact that it is a member of the radically pro-abortion National Day Laborer Organizing Network.
On June 7, 2022, NOWCRJ tweeted “Celebrate with the LGBTQIA+ community and support the right to love and be loved,” with an image of its organizational logo underscored by a “Happy Pride Month” underneath.
Membership in the Pro-Abortion National Day Laborer Organizing Network
The CCHD absolutely forbids organizations from membership in organizations acting against Catholic teaching. In an FAQ on the USCCB website, the CCHD directly answers the question about whether grantees may be members of coalitions that oppose Catholic teachings. In answer, the CCHD firmly stated, “CCHD will not fund groups that are knowingly members of coalitions that have as part of their organizational purpose or coalition agenda, positions or actions that contradict fundamental Catholic moral and social teaching.”
NOWCRJ is a member of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON). This network is an alliance of organizations dedicated to helping day laborers, and Latino Union is clearly identified as a member on the NDLON website.
In order for an organization to be a member of NDLON, the organization is required to pay dues. Organizations with an operating budget of less than $100,000 pay $150 in annual dues, whereas organizations with an operating budget of more than $100,000 are required to pay $300 in annual dues. According to NOWCRS’s latest tax form 990, their annual expenses are well over $100,000, meaning they pay $300 in annual dues.
Ever since the June 24 Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, NDLON has been on a tear, vowing to fight for abortion as a “right,” and denouncing any restriction on the legalization of or access to abortion. On the same day Roe was overturned, NDLON posted a picture of a tattooed middle finger saying “F*** SCOTUS, FUND ABORTION.”
On July 15, 2022, NDLON called for people to register for “Operation Save Abortion.”
On June 26, 2022, NDLON fully advocated for organizing and mobilizing for “abortion rights.”
On June 27, posting a picture of the “Green Scarf” pro-abortion movement in Argentina with the caption “In front of the US Embassy in repudiation of the ruling against abortion,” NDLON formally declared: “The Reproductive Justice movement is international! We must act in solidarity across borders. Only through collective action and solidarity, can we win.”
In addition to bring radically pro-abortion, NDLON has a clear and public position promoting homosexual and transgender ideologies..
On its “Alliance Building” page, NDLON lists numerous areas of partnership, including LGBTQ. The intended result of such partnerships is “deepening our understanding of internal structures of oppression based on sexual orientation and gender identification.”
In a press release from October 11, 2011, NDLON expressed its concern over LGTBQ immigrants who might be affected by the Se Communities deportation program. The release quoted Monica Enriquez-Enriquez of Streetwise and Safe, an LGBTQ activist organization, “On this National Coming Out Day, we recognize that LGBT immigrants need more than acceptance from family, schools, and neighbors to be “out”: they need to be free from profiling, detention, and deportation.” The release celebrated “a historic confluence of movements for LGBTQ rights and migrant rights.”
Another press release published October 1, 2014, advocated use of executive action to protect LGBTQ immigrants. The article criticized then-President Obama for not doing so, and quoted a spokesperson from NDLON as saying “We welcome Congressional support for the inclusion of protections for undocumented LGBTQ immigrants in executive immigration action and more voices pressing the President to act.”
NOWCRJ actively promoted violence and rebellion, promoted homosexual and transgender ideologies, and is a member of the radically pro-abortion National Day Laborers Organizing Network. It should have been denied funding in 2020 with the first report, and it seems that things have now gotten worse.
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