Great news! Because you answered our call to defend Patricia Jannuzzi, she has now been reinstated to her full time position at Immaculata high school.
When Patricia Jannuzzi was fired from her 31 year career as a Catholic high school theology teacher, the Lepanto Institute acted swiftly. Her crime? She posted statements on facebook defending Catholic teaching on sexual morality. So, we took out a radio ad aired during the Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity programs in New York.
The Diocese of Metuchen was flooded with your phone calls, causing Bishop Bootkoski to issue a statement in support of the school’s firing of Jannuzzi. So, we published an open letter to His Excellency and took out another ad. And then we launched a petition to have Patricia Jannuzzi reinstated. Again, you responded in force.
And your grace-inspired call to defend this faithful teacher paid off!
Today, Immaculata High School has issued a statement confirming that Patricia Jannuzzi will be allowed to have her job back. According to the statement published by Life Site News:
“Immaculata High School announced today that all issues related to the employment of teacher Patricia Jannuzzi are resolved,” said the release. According to Brennan, “Immaculata High School has reached an understanding with Patricia Jannuzzi. It is the School’s position that a Catholic school teacher must always communicate the faith in a way that is positive and never hurtful. Tone and choice of words matter and I trust Mrs. Jannuzzi’s stated promise to strive always to teach in a spirit of truth and charity.”
“Given Mrs. Jannuzzi’s otherwise good reputation as an educator over her 30 years at Immaculata, Principal Jean Kline and I have made the decision to reinstate her as a teacher as of today.”
God bless you all for rushing to the defense of this faithful teacher! Let us offer a Rosary in thanksgiving for the great gift Our Blessed Lord has given this teacher and her employers.
Also, we can only continue this work with your donations! Please consider either making a one-time donation of $100, $200, or $500 or becoming a monthly donor of $20, $30, or $50 per month!
By the Grace of Our Saviour, & the swift action to spotlight the unjust firing of a good & faithful teacher, Mrs. Jannuzzi is fully VINDACATED!!!
Roman Catholics: When you raise your voices even the worst prelate MUST listen!
Now we need to THANK THE BISHOP for doing the right thing! Thank your Parish Priest & local Bishop…let them know we’re Praying for them! They are mostly Isolated…We’re in a Time where we need to Speak out!! RC Americans have NO idea of the POWER we have available to us, through The Holy Spirit, passed down from the Apostles…passed to us from the Cross, & the Blood of the Martyers…
I think prayer for this Bishop is a good idea. Thank him for reversing his vile & aberrant decision? I think not.
You have NO idea what these men are up against…if we Don’t speak out & Thank them, we’re just as wrong as they are! At the same time, we have to speak Strongly, & Clear…Most of the Bishops are around my age, 73…I don’t hesitate to remind them they’re a “hic-up” away from standing before Christ as the Just Judge! (As am I) ..We need to respect their Office, even if they dont….
Ummm, yes we DO have an idea what they are up against. The Bishop’s “statements” were so disturbing afterwards that i’m sure his reversal is a result of the barrage of emails from faithful Catholics who are sick and tired of these grey area comments and lack of decisions. Do what you’re supposed to do. Period.
Greg Broussard
Lafayette, LA
Job well done. That she had to be fought over with that large a battle though… it signals rough seas ahead.
The very fact that she had to go through this nonsense is ominous. Her cowardly, homophile bishop only folded under the contradiction of firing a teacher for verbalizing Catholic dogma.
Shame on their Spineless Local Bishop-Botoski and High school so called administrator for trying oust her in the first place. Nice to see so many outraged Catholics who deluged them both with protests etc.. SO SAD that someone is attacked for pointing out what the Catholic faith does teach on Monogamy , Marriage and moral sexual and otherwise. On their own face book page-Really!!! As Pope Paul 6th pointed out when Bishops and theologians etc. undermined Humane Vitae’ “The smoke of Satan has entered the Catholic faith”. No more obvious that the sorry excuse for Catholics bishop included sad to say who is alleged to be in Charge in Metchuchen-Patterson NJ. This is what PP 6th meant so many years ago.
All, please pray for the Bishop of Metuchen (and all bishops). Whether or not Bishop Bootkoski’s canonically required resignation is accepted this summer, whether or not he is replaced, Catholics and all souls in the diocese need a spiritually strong leader. NJ is not an easy place to be Catholic; with so much moral weakness outside the church, souls can’t afford to have it inside the church as well. Thank you all.
We lived in NJ from ’70-’77 . If you think that’s bad, you’ve never been to Central Texas! Why do you think Fr. J. Corapi refused to return here! The Jesuit University in Dallas is referred to as “THE LAVENDER CAMPUS”…..Priests who were Orthodox here were routinely pulled out of their Parishes & sent to the literal Desert!! (While the pew sitters here applauded!) The American RC church got the Clergy they Demanded!!!
Is there a jesuit u. or is it a hi school in big D? I noticed how pubicity works on personal specific cases. how address the confusion and disunity in the church? Can not presure be brought to bear on episcopa authority on such issuse awhole sale defection on the real presence, contraception, sexual morality , removing doubts concerning the validity of changes in t;he forms of sacraments, esp. orders, etc. etc. catholic bishops can be made to speak truth or ? does not confusion emanate from the highest authorities? They seem aware of the silent apostacy rampant heresy, massive defection and yet appear hand tied. Is this possible? Can publicity address the problem? If not , then what?
Yep, U of D is a Jesuit School…In fact, the homosexuals helped WRITE the Paper on how Priests accussed of sexual assaults should be treated!! Have you Read that thing?!? As for the Bishops, OMDG!! One of the last acts of Pope Benedict, was to remove the Bishop of Corpus Christi…But he sent him to Fresno, Ca! .(that’s punishment enough I guess) He, (bishop) removed a Priest from his parish for addressing the City Council Members on the “Dangers of having homosexual Board members”….His RIGHT as a member of that Community…The bishop sent him to a Desert Parish…..Litteraly! Fr. Michael’s Parish wrote to the Pope to complain…but didn’t get him back..The San Antonio Dioceses, after YEARS of scandals, got an Opus Dei Bishop! The pewsitters couldn’t wait to get rid of him…but, he was a “Trouble Shooter” for the Pope & was transferred to Ca… San Antonio has a decent Bishop now….but he’s up against an entrenched enemy!! FYI….This is why Fr. Corapi Refused to return to Texas, specifically, Corpus Christi…The SOLT Order had a huge scandal a short time later….There are MANY GOOD, HOLY PRIESTS Here…Their job is a form of Martyrdom!! As is the Bishop’s in SA…
So the Traditionalists are happy that this woman got her career back on track. Wouldn’t it have it been a good thing for her to stay at home with her family. O.K. I give up. Do traditionalists really believe in anything?
She was a teacher for at least 31 years… I doubt she had any young children left at home to take care of!
Spindle: Define your terms. What’s a “Traditionalist” Catholic? The RC Church is being Splintered by Humanists, Socialists, (Saul Alenski in that Modernist movement), & everyday, “PC” Weepers. All of which can be rolled together into the Modernist Heresy. The RC Church is Not Formed by Current Culture! It’s Mission is to Transform the Culture! If you cannot stand with & accept that, you cannot refer to yourself as an RC, because you’re not, you’re a Modernist. You’re insisting the Church teach your Modernists, Cultural, Heresies. Not the first time this has happened….
Not the first time for m,odernist? The qualitatively, number wise in totals and averages conerning damages to the church in the last fifty years or so are without precendent. to put it mildly. We probably see the tip of the ice berg. the extremeist, often in history according to J H. Newman are right, claim the massive defection is possible only under the auspiscus of false popes. I would say the laitity especailly those who can articulate the ,problem have the right and duty to demand clarification of the uncondemned cafeteria catholicism. Would the le pont statagey work on the diocesan level? Let me know.
Yep, U of D is a Jesuit School…In fact, the homosexuals helped WRITE the Paper on how Priests accussed of sexual assaults should be treated!! Have you Read that thing?!? As for the Bishops, OMDG!! One of the last acts of Pope Benedict, was to remove the Bishop of Corpus Christi…But he sent him to Fresno, Ca! .(that’s punishment enough I guess) He, (bishop) removed a Priest from his parish for addressing the City Council Members on the “Dangers of having homosexual Board members”….His RIGHT as a member of that Community…The bishop sent him to a Desert Parish…..Litteraly! Fr. Michael’s Parish wrote to the Pope to complain…but didn’t get him back..The San Antonio Dioceses, after YEARS of scandals, got an Opus Dei Bishop! The pewsitters couldn’t wait to get rid of him…but, he was a “Trouble Shooter” for the Pope & was transferred to Ca… San Antonio has a decent Bishop now….but he’s up against an entrenched enemy!! FYI….This is why Fr. Corapi Refused to return to Texas, specifically, Corpus Christi…The SOLT Order had a huge scandal a short time later….There are MANY GOOD, HOLY PRIESTS Here…Their job is a form of Martyrdom!! As is the Bishop’s in SA…
ps: My sister & I did everything in our power for 35-40 yrs. to put a spotlight on what was going on here…We were roundly ignored!! ie: Once, a “visiting” priest gave a homily on the “Loaves & Fishes”, claiming “the miracle was that the people SHARED THEIR FOOD”! I stood up, said “BS”, loud & clear, & walked out…When our Parish Priest came back, I went to Confession & told him what I did & why…He actually smiled! (He did give me Absolution)
If there were any orthodox nuns left to teach in orthodox Catholic schools that would be a great help toward having women of the laity stay at home to have and raise orthodox Catholic children.
The church has never been confrontational in its pursuit for truth. The most worrying thing is the realisation that a bishop cud be cowed to sacrifice an innocent person just to placate(like pontious pilate) an assumed public. A bishop shud be the last man standing when all hope is lost. Protect yo flock to the last, not save yo skin by sacrificing another. Thank God the decision was receded. Our prayers are with europe and america.
I am wondering if there were any “concessions” the teacher had to agree to as part of the deal. I mean they alluded to “tone and choice of words.” And stating things (Church teachings) in a “positive and never “hurtful” way. Hmmm. Was she fired for the WAY she had said what she said, as much as WHAT she said (the truth)? Man. On her own FB page no less…it’s difficult for teachers. A friend of mine, when she was a teacher (almost 25 years in the field), refused to have a FB page because of the vindictive little middle-schoolers she taught. While I am beyond thrilled that this teacher has her job back—what now? Will she have to look over her shoulder from now on?
Yes, she will have to look over her shoulder. (Tone” my foot.) These bishops need a swift kick in their lavender behinds.
No, no, no! The response was utterly in adequate!cc”It is the School’s position that a Catholic school teacher must always communicate the faith in a way that is positive and never hurtful. ” How is that a meaningful statement? What if a teacher says, “I’m positive that pedophilia is always wrong” and a pedophile finds that “hurtful”? Is the teacher in error? Also, the statement that, “Given Mrs. Jannuzzi’s otherwise good reputation as an educator over her 30 years at Immaculata” suggests that she was somehow in error. The damning word is “otherwise.” Can the author mean that, “Despite her vigorous defense of the Catholic faith and of natural law, we still want to have her around”? Can this really be taken as a victory? These folks have backpedaled because they got caught, not because they have had a change of mind and heart.
This does not look like vindication to me. What are the conditions? What is “hurtful” and how does it change the gospel? Charity is the love of God not coddling the mis-formed feelings of people. Has this teacher been vindicated or silenced?
She’s been silenced; but she may get her pension. That’s the way they have you where they want you.
Thank God for your prevailing in this your work for The Kingdom!
I pray for your Bishop who does not honor The Lord as His alter-Christi.!!
The Catholic Church the Faithful need to demand Bishops and Archbishops to lead their Diocese with a backbone. We repeatedly here of no leadership by these Bishops. Priests are afraid of their Bishops because of this lack of leadership. Parish Councils seem to make the decisions for the Bishops hence this disaster for the Catholic Church. I’m sure the Principle talked the Monsignor into firing this faithful teacher. Diocese need leadership from their Bishops not rubber stamping what Parish Councils demand or liberal left wing Catholic School Principles demand.
If Lepanto Institute sees the gagging of this woman (and by logic, her fellow teachers in future) as a victory I would hate to see their idea of defeat.
It is not the gagging of this woman we see as a victory, but the fact that the school was forced to rehire her even though neither the school nor the diocese wished to do so. It is a small victory, and it isn’t a complete one, either, but it is a victory. And while Mrs. Jannuzzi won’t be free to speak out beyond this, we speak out on her behalf as well as others in similar situations. Mrs. Jannuzzi has her job and her benefits back, and that is a victory to celebrate. But we don’t and we can’t celebrate long. We praise God for His graces and we continue working in accord with His will. That’s all we can do, so that’s what we do.
God bless,