World Concern is a non-denominational Christian service ministry that is part of the larger family of Crista ministries. Unfortunately, World Concern has a history of condom promotion and engages in non-Catholic proselytism and is therefore unsafe for Catholic contribution.
Condom promotion:
World Concern is generally pro-life due to its strong Christian background and is sound on its beliefs on marriage. However, it does have a history of condom promotion.
In 2009, World Concern posted the following about its work in Hanoi dealing with HIV –
Through education, condoms, behavior change courses, medical check-ups and countless conversations from hard-working volunteers, World Concern is bringing AIDS to light in the slums. We’re telling people that the risks are real, and their decisions not only affect themselves, but their families, and even entire villages.
In 2012, World Concern’s Meridith Long stated that “education and training should be shaped to the behaviors and beliefs of the audience. Education on condoms may be appropriate for some, but not for others.”
Non-Catholic Proselytism:
World Concern is part of a larger organization called Crista. Crista’s larger concern is evangelization through schools, radio and World Concern is its charitable outreach arm. Crista has a published statement of faith that hold to the standard Protestant doctrines of Sola Scriptura and Sola Fide.
World Concern, according to its own website, trains pastors and evangelists and helps to establish non-Catholic churches:
Another page on World Concern’s website solicits funding exclusively for evangelist training:
While World Concern does much good and is generally a pro-life organization, we cannot recommend them for Catholic giving due to their promotion of condoms and their Protestant proselytism.
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